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The PHS Choir Alumni Reunion 2002
Reunion Team:

Name Project Leader e-mail AIM
Ruth Wiren Springer Archives & Memorabilia,
Meeting Mod'r Mom4Pepper
Howard A. Fields Database & Website,
Meeting Mod'r HAFields, HAFieldsCT
Shelley Gilbert Allison Publicity,
Archives & Memorabilia Shellison
Roberta Gilbert Database & Website,
Mailing List
       (NEW address!)
JoAnn Campbell Hefner Hotel & Site Arrgmts. SunriseS2
Ellen Brager Ross Budget & Acctg., Registration PHSellen
Annie Miller Savarese Archives & Memorabilia KABSAV5
Renée Lane Fagan Publicity RedLdy88
With the help of:  Bob Savarese, David Comora, Bill Sanders, Faith Heisler, Erich Veyhl, Diana Fox Ianuzzi, Diana Moro, Michael Zeale, Scott and Barbra Fergang, David Comora, John Abbamont, our Class Coordinators, Norm’s PC crew, and a growing list of so many others!

Projects jointly managed by the Reunion Team with Norman Allen:
Music Selection & Procurement; Reunion Itinerary & Activities.

Website Design:
Copyright:  © 2001, 2002 Ragbert ® 

Permission to copy, reproduce, distribute, or republish this page or its contents
may be requested only by writing to the author.
No other rights are stated or implied.