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 "Reunion 2002" 
Sharon's Photos:
July 25-28, 2002
(Courtesy Sharon Yarkoni Kalus '73)

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Waiting for the alumni to arrive Shelley Gilbert Allison, Wayne Deery Diana, Chuck and Michelle Brotman Norm checks a piece of music 
Reunion Team and Norm, first rehearsal Howard Fields and Sharon Yarkoni Kalus Chuck Brotman, Larry and Becky Shepson Maier, Sharon Yarkoni Kalus, Howard Fields
Class of 1973 July 26, 2002 - Norm's birthday July 26, 2002 - Norm's birthday July 26, 2002 - Helen, Gail, and Linda Allen
Sharon and Shelley Roberta and Shelley Roberta, Goofy and Shelley - character breakfast 7-27-02 Roberta, Goofy and Shelley - character breakfast 7-27-02
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