PHS Choir Alumni Reunion Logo

November 1973

Rehearsal Photos
(Photos courtesy George Kral, '74)

Photo identification is to the best of our knowledge.
If you have any corrections for us, feel free to send an e-mail
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A - Adam Samuels, Dave Gustafson
B1 - Robin Lowin, Margaret Murray, Tanya Nehrebecki, Leslie Nathanson, Joan Greenzeig
B2 - Elliott Weinstein, Marc Greene
B3 - Claudia Geyer, Elliott Weinstein
C1 - Carole Leavy, Tim Lepera
C2 - Carole Leavy, Claudia Geyer
C3 - Jeff Avison, Claudia Geyer
D1-Sharon Gallagher, Ellen Voltzow
D2 - David Brown (A/V crew)
E1 - Angela Valentino, Faith Heisler
Tessie_Herbie - Bill Sanders, Ruth Wiren
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